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Flogas Future Focused

With Flogas your energy is making positive changes to our environment now and for our future! Flogas Green Future plans are 100% green electricity and carbon neutral gas meaning a simple and easy switch to a Green Future tariff today can make a big difference.

What does 100% green electricity mean?
100% of the electricity supplied to our electricity or dual fuel customers is sourced from renewable generation. This was confirmed for 2020 following calculations undertaken by the Single Electricity Market Operator (SEMO) on behalf of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU).
What is Flogas environmental impact compared to the all-island fuel mix?
While Flogas provide 100% electricity from renewable sources, the average renewable generation for the all-island fuel mix is 57.9%. The remaining sources for the all-island fuel mix are made up of natural gas (35.8%), coal (3.0%), peat (2.1%) and other (1.2%). This means that the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for Flogas are 0 gCO2/kWh compared with 236 gCO2/kWh for the all-island electricity market.
What does green gas mean?
Flogas will purchase Carbon credits equal to the total carbon emissions produced by your home gas consumption. Therefore, your gas consumption will be carbon neutral. This process is called Carbon Offsetting.
How it works - Carbon neutral natural gas
Partnering with South Pole, a global leader in sustainability solutions, 100% of the natural gas our customers use on Flogas Green Future Gas or Dual fuel price plans is carbon offset through audited carbon reduction projects in developing countries. The projects we invest in adhere to the internationally recognised Gold Standard (GS) and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) criteria. For more detail on carbon credits and South Pole click here.
What are carbon credits?
Carbon credits are achieved by investing in projects elsewhere in the world that give an equivalent reduction of emissions by reducing or absorbing carbon dioxide.
How does carbon offsetting work?
  1. Sign up to our Flogas carbon neutral price plan today
  2. We will calculate how much gas you have consumed at the end to the year and equate that to carbon impact ( 11,000kwh = approx. 2 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide)
  3. We will purchase carbon credits on your behalf to balance that carbon impact.
  4. These are used to invest in sustainable projects around the world
  5. The projects reduce or capture equivalent CO2 emissions that otherwise would have been released into the atmosphere.
Where does Flogas buy Carbon Credits?
With the help of our partner, South Pole we buy independently verified carbon credits from registered projects.
What kind of projects does Flogas support?
The projects we have chosen to support covers a range of climate issues including protecting forests and its inhabitants, supporting vulnerable communities with efficient cooking equipment, waste water treatment plants to protect our oceans and bodies of water, and investing in renewable energy projects such as wind and hydro power.
How will I know my carbon has been offset?
Flogas will publish a notification on Flogas.ie of the carbon offsets purchased in the previous year
How do I know that my carbon credits are making a difference?
Carbon credits adhere to a strict set of standards. By partnering with South Pole, Flogas have ensured your carbon credits are meeting these standards, every one of the projects we support complies with either the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or Gold Standard (GS) which are approved under the ICROA code of best practise.